Systems Thinking LO14393 -Questionaire

Simon Bell (
Thu, 17 Jul 1997 08:51:04 +0100

This is a very brief questionnaire to all users of systems concepts,
practice and methodologies. If you or your organisations makes use of
systems ideas please fill this in and return to Simon Bell

In the Systems Department at the Open University in the UK we teach a
range of systems approaches and we are interested to know what other
institutions and individuals use in their teaching and/or practice.

If you use systems approaches please fill in the brief questionnaire
below. The anonymous results, which may be of interest to you all, will be
posted. Many thanks.

1. Name of your organisation/ Department

2. What systems approaches do you make use of?

3. Do you apply them in teaching/ learning contexts?

4. Which systems concepts do you think are most relevant in
understanding complex contexts?

5. Any further comments on systems thinking and practice?

-- (Simon Bell)

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