Migration to a LO LO14396

Vana Prewitt (vprewitt@mail.rdu.bellsouth.net)
Thu, 17 Jul 1997 20:50:37 -0700

Replying to LO14359 --

Jay Spitulnik wrote:

> In John's reply to Vana, he says:
> >If the newbies are
> >infectious enough (read charismatic, apostolic, evangelical) and teach by
> >example, you'll start the change rolling.

> In my experience as an internal and external change agent, I have found
> that the most frequent reason for failed initiatives such as Vana's is
> that management has not bought into the change, and is not walking the
> talk.


I'm curious about any ideas you have for "turning the light bulb on" over
the heads of our top officers. They say they want to change the
organization into a customer focused service, that they want to increase
individual responsibility for outcomes, etc. but as you say, they don't
"walk the talk."

What, praytell, is wrong here? What motivator is missing? What barrier
exists? Are they simply the product of their experiences and training and
continue with bad habits, even though the "new" way is what they think
they believe?

Help me understand how I can get to them, help them truly hear the message
and the implications of ignoring it.


Vana Prewitt


Vana Prewitt <vprewitt@mail.rdu.bellsouth.net>

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