I believe these words are right on target with driving change in a
company. Change comes from a leader knowing where to go and treating
people with respect. That what he did he sole of what to become and
treated people with respect.
Great example.Thanks
>> Joining in here with a change philosophy that might interest listeners on
>> this list. Panduranga Shasthri Athwale is the 1996 Templeton prize winner.
>> In his convocation address(1994) he narrated his philosophy.
>> "When I go to the villages, I enter into a dialogue with them. I don't go
>> there to change them. Who am I to change them? Initially only a few
>> come. Gradually the number increases. We just talk. Any topic".
>> These are not the exact words but the essence. Athwale contribution has
>> been to transform whole villages into productive, environmentally
>> conscious communities. People, mostly fishing communities were reduced to
>> unproductive beings due to vices and ethical standards. Athwale has
>> stayed with communities for several years. His work is recognised widely
>> now. I doubt this example is directly relevent. However, Saunders
>> suggestions appear to have similarities.
Eugene Taurman
People will ultimately perform in accord with the way they are measured
and rewarded.
Control is preconditioning
William L. Ferrara
Penn State University
--Eugene Taurman <ilx@execpc.com>
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