Rejuvenating a Program LO14527

Neil Kelly (
Tue, 29 Jul 97 12:35:47

Replying to LO14471 --

In reply to Jeff Dewar <>

>We've looked for some time at the underlying causes of the problem. We're
>now trying to give managers specific "do this, do that" advice on
>rejuvenating "programs" (I don't particularly like that word--it implies
>temporary and outside of core business activities).

In my six years as a curriculum/instructional designer and curriculum
manager for the Queensland (Australian) State Government, I saw many
"programs," or management fads come and go. These were "implemented" via
glossy brochures and large meetings to explain what new expectations would
be placed on us.

Unfortunately they were all temporary and outside of the core business
activities. Senior managers did not follow-through, in a number of
important and obvious ways. First, the new management ideas were not part
of the real accountability systems. They just did not show up in the
budget or reporting processes. More importantly I think, the management
techniques did NOT enrich dialogue. "The Big Problem" in the organisation
IMHO was the absence of dialogue. There was plenty of "communication" via
brochures, light shows and briefing papers, but no dialogue. I eventually

I hear the latest management fad in the State bureaucracy here is called,
wait for it.... "the learning organisation." - fair is foul, and foul is

Kelly Consulting Pty Ltd Development Strategies
PO Box 5769 Tel 617 3844 8077
West End Q. 4101 Fax 617 3255 0360


"Neil Kelly" <>

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