A conference for experienced (minimum: two semesters) teachers of
organization development (OD) will be held in Scottsdale, Arizona as a
pre-conference session at the annual meeting of the Organization
Development Network on October 5, 1997 from 8:30-12:00.
Using Open Space Technology in which specific topics are determined by
attendees who convene sessions on topics of personal interest, teachers of
OD are invited to:
*share resources, methods, and materials for teaching OD
*discuss innovative teaching practices and technologies
*network with other OD teachers
*discuss the skills needed for future success in practicing OD.
Participants are encouraged to bring 25 copies of materials they use in
their classrooms to share with others.
For more information on the workshop contact the organizers: Karan
Powell, Director (KHPowell@aol.com or (703) 729-0406) or David Coleman,
Faculty, (Davidtms@aol.com or (301) 270-2560), Georgetown University
Certificate Program in OD
For cost and registration information, contact Mary Beth Rocco at OD
Network (mrocco1827@aol.com or (201) 763-7337 ext. 22 re: "Teaching OD
Amidst Paradox: An Idea and Resource Exchange"
--Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>