What's next? LO14919

Barry Mallis (bmallis@MARKEM.com)
10 Sep 97 09:42:07 -0400

Replying to LO14904 --


Can you explain further what you mean by working "at the 'higher plane'"
in teams? Information sharing is initiated at the end of each meeting by
using the 4 W's and an H to force action planning. That is, a matrix is
visually created of WHAT has to be done; WHO is responsible for getting it
done; WHERE the task is to be completed (physical location e.g.
department, site, division, city, library, milling center, etc.); WHEN is
the task to be done e.g. within 24 hours, by the next meeting on the 28th,
by end of Q2, etc.; and HOW will the task be completed--resources needed.

This Action Matrix provides a concrete wrap-up, keeps the teams work
focused and precise, and reduces the "Was I supposed to do that?" syndrome
which can strike groups any time, any place. The matrix is one of many
self-documenting records in our team work. Combined with the action
matrix, the usual minutes distribution is also vital. In our organization
worldwide we have a WAN with email. This allows for timely distribution of
meeting minutes intra- and inter-site.

The Lotus product has some distinct possibilities, Mike. I have a lot of
literature about their product, which look good. As it happens, we are a
Macintosh "house" at this time (about 550 of them at my site). We do have
teams creating their own reporting forms for meetings tasks which they use
as message vehicles in the mail system. That works well.

I hope this assists you. Please let me know if I can be of any further
help with my observations.

Best regards,


Barry Mallis Manager - Quality and Development MARKEM Corporation Keene, New Hampshire bmallis@markem.com

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