orgpsych@Augusta.Net <orgpsych@Augusta.Net> says:
>As a follow-on to my last post, let me add that I would recommend that
>you explore what Demming has to say about the areas of essential
>knowledge in quality improvement. He departs from what many TQ/CQI
>practitioners do and starts into the "mushy" territory of what
>motivates the worker and what makes things happen in the
The difference between Deming and the others is that he departs from their
thinking on both ends:
he does start into the "mushy" BUY
he starts from management by fact
The entire notion of variation is based on quantitative measures of
performance (no, I don't mean performance reviews, I mean process data,
whether it measures by person, machine, material, or.....)
The whole point of the system of profound knowledge is that you can't make
judgements based on data points and in isolation from their systemic
relatives and you need to know both how people interact with each other as
well as the system user interface (the tangible manifestations of
organizational knowledge)
-- John Zavacki Wolff Group, Inc. 800-282-1218 http://www.wolff.comLearning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <> -or- <>