Make managers manage? LO15021
Wed, 17 Sep 1997 09:45:25 -0400 (EDT)

Replying to LO15014 --

> We are experiencing in one of my client organizations a case of managers
> not willing to manage.

Some ideas:

1. Maybe they think they ARE managing. Why do you think they are not?

2. Do upper level managers steal work from subordinates to satisfy their
own needs?

3. How does one of the managers in question know when he or she was
passing the buck? What and where is the feedback?

4. Why do you cite willingness as the causative factor? Why not
inability? Confusion? Training? Experience? Background? Age? Gender?
Policy? Perceptions?


Lon Badgett "History is clear on this point, if a piece of buttered toast falls butter-side down, some person obviously buttered it on the wrong side." Emil Gobersneke

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