How To Share A Vision? LO15123

Ray Evans Harrell (mcore@IDT.NET)
Fri, 26 Sep 1997 00:13:33 -0700

Replying to LO15116 --

Hengky Laisang wrote:
> 1. How you're going to share your vision (practically) to your staffs
> or members of your organization?

I don't mean to be glib Hengky but consider not sharing your vision.
Consider instead sharing the goals of your vision and the way that you
plan to work on it. In my experience sharing the vision puts a finish to
the image that you have in the eyes of those you are leading. Sort of
like seeing your limitations. Dont give them the walls to the room, give
them the tasks that are to be accomplished within those walls instead.
They will discover the walls and their meanings for themselves. When they
do, compliment them on their insight into your process but dont explain

> 2. Where is the connection between 'vision' and 'the organization theory?'

Being an artist and not an MBA I'm not sure of your language but I believe
this relates to my first statement. But if not please ignore my
ignorance. The idea of theory to me relates to your plan and how you
intend to stimulate the interest in manifesting it beyond simple
remuneration although it being their job, is one part of that stimulation
or motivation.

Another is the environment that you create in the work place that demands
their enthusiasm for the execution of the processes leading to the goals
of your vision. Short term and long term. If this is too simple please
excuse this but in my work a simple change of environment, e.g. seating
arrangement in a complex rehearsal, can change the environment enough for
the workers to find a delight that goes along with the responsibility for
performing the task. How about bringing back pleasure in doing the work
for its own sake? Just some thoughts. I keep remembering those Japanese
workers beginning their day with moving their bodies for its own sake. Of
course it grounds them, makes them aware of their factory and its purpose
and gives them a sense of group pleasure. Can this type of thought be
expanded to the tasks within the day?

Ray Evans Harrell, artistic director
The Magic Circle Chamber Opera of New York, Inc.


Ray Evans Harrell <mcore@IDT.NET>

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