Abdication of the Culture Keepers LO15152

I V N S Raju (IVNSR@anand.nddb.ernet.in)
Tue, 30 Sep 1997 11:28:36 +0530

Replying to LO15145 --

Replying to LO15136 Benjamin B Compton wrote this on 29 sep 1997 --

> Now that I've read Bennis's book, and I've seen what he's talking about in
> the movies, and I reflect on my life's experience, I find this attitude to
> be rather pervasive. Hence the abdication! Our problems are for our
> leaders to solve. After all, they run for public office, make a bunch of
> great promises -- which inevitably include various solutions for "fixing"
> our problems -- and go off to Washington, or to State Capitals, and
> whittle away their time on the mundane or the tedious issues. Their
> solutions to the nagging and life-threatening problems seem to somehow
> always prove impotent!
> Any organization, be it a business, a local community, or a nation, if it
> is to survive, must have people in it who willingly accept responsibility
> for the problems that threaten it's survival. Those problems exist both
> within the organization itself, and without the organization.

Last night I was reading an article on the money being spent on health,
security and housing of Ex Prime Ministers, Ministers, Ex Presidents etc.,
by the Indian Government. Most of you must be aware of what India is.
Please let me take a few minutes to explain how do we spend our money (I
am sharing this to surface the issue of accountability in government).
One of our former prime ministers who "served the nation as PM" only for
around 10 months was sent to London for a medical treatment. Since he
needs his wife to be with him, his wife was also sent. Since there is a
threat to his life he was given a special protection by our security.
There are 8 security personnel for this purpose. Hence they also went
with their guns etc., to look after the security of our former prime
minister. Upon landing in London, the london police refused to allow the
indian security personnel to carry the guns etc along with them. The
sincere indian security personnel accompanied our sick former prime
minister (sfpm)without life saving equipment. The hotel in which our sfpm
stays is a five star hotel. For security reasons these 8 guys had to stay
there. They stayed there for 3 months like that. It costed to our
excheqour a few hundred million rupees!!!!

This sfpm comes back to India to contest in the next general elections and
goes to the poor country men and begs for their votes.

The point here is that in any social situation be it in coporate offices
or in government, defining the accountability of individuals would always
help take right decisions.

For what its worth


IVNS Raju Corporate Human Resource Management Group National Dairy Development Board Anand - 388 001 - India Email:ivnsr@anand.nddb.ernet.in ------------------------------- The only factors that influence each one of our actions are the belief/disbelief in God and the faith in righteousness. -------------------------------------------

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