LO When People Come & Go LO15286

Michael Dalmaridis (training4u@compuserve.com)
Wed, 8 Oct 1997 17:58:29 -0400

My name is Michael Dalmaridis and I am trying to research a question on
the impact of learning organizations when its members are constantly
changing. My understanding is that is learning organizations requires a
shared vision (among a few other elements). However, I am little confused
because Senge writes that a shared vision is fluid and evolving. What
continuity can a learning organization have if its vision is constantly
changing due to the imput of its changing membership? In further
corespondence I have been reminded that a shared vision is not static but
dynamic. How can any long range plans or visions be created when new
members are constantly re-shaping the vision. Also, how do you overcome
this problem. Do you have any suggestions or resources.

Thank you in advance,

Michael Dalmaridis


Michael Dalmaridis <training4u@compuserve.com>

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