Capturing Lessions Learned LO15403

Benjamin B. Compton (
Fri, 17 Oct 1997 07:28:07 -0600

Replying to LO15219 --

John Zavacki wrote:

"Any company with half an organizational brain that uses a corrective and
preventive action system would use this system as a corporate memory. By
asking for corrective and preventive actions in a formal, electronic
system and then indexing that system, it becomes a lot easier to avoid the
reinvention of Scott's Square Wheel."


Just a couple of questions:

1) What have you done, in your work with implementing ISO 9000 quality
systems, to get people in an organization to document, in the corrective
action system, not only the problems that have been corrected, but also
the innovations that help the organization? Especially, when the
innovation is a shift in thinking, not a procederual change?

2) Have you actually used a collection of corrective actions to tell the
story of how an organization has evolved? I spent a lot of time thinking
about this as Quality Manager. . .I think it definitely has a lot of

Benjamin B. Compton

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