"Peter H. Jones" wrote in answer to Winfried Deijmann's post from oktober 16th:
>Winfried, I do appreciate what you are saying. If you haven't already done
>so, I would encourage you to read some of William's papers. Personal
>Mastery is "Personal" and for me the effort of trying to make a clear
>distinction between what is Real, Actual, and Virtual can be extremely
>helpful when trying to deal with our emotions. Certainly the biological
>reactions to events are real and measureable. But the "labels" we
>attribute to the same real feelings often depends upon what we "think"
>about those feelings. Or as Shakespeare would say in Hamlet "There is
>nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so."
Peter, it would help me to understand you if you could give me an example
of "Real", "Actual" and "Virtual". I ask you, because *I* make a
distiction between four area's: "Facts" and "Concepts" plus "Goals" and
"Means". A Fact is for example your reply at the beginning of this
message. "Concepts" are my interpretation versus yours of the message. I
need vissible observations (facts) to understand your concept of "real"
etc. In a"goal" your intention is expressed ( finding mutual
understanding(?)) and "means" are the choice of tools to realize your
goals (writing e-mail message).
Seen from a time perspective Real = The Past; Actual =To-day; Virtual =
The Future. Is this what you mean?
"Peter H. Jones" wrote also:
>The following paper may give you some more "food for thought":
Peter, I followed your suggestion and I read some of van de Heuvels
articles. IMO van de Heuvel is trying to invent -in a very complicated way
-new names and concepts for phenomenae (facts) which are as old as
humanity. Why don't we keep things simple? Most researchers are so
focussed on trying to understand their own theories that they force
reality into their concepts and assumptions.Isn't it so that the more
complicated theories we develop, the more complicated the outer world will
appear for our mind?
In the early seventies marketingplans were developed based on only four
"P's" (Product, Price, Place and Promotion). Recently I saw a book with a
"new" marketingconcept consisting of 12 elements. Where does it end? Also
within the field of Organisation-psychology and Sociology about every
University in the world has his own bright Guru who publishes his
insights. Mostly they are just answering their own questions; or they
answer questions nobody asked. The result is a far too rapidly changing
>Also you (Winfried Deij.) say "IMHO Personal Mastery starts with learning to
>be aware of
>your emotions, to name them and give them a function. If you don't give
>your emotions a function, your emotions will grab you. Your emotions will
>polut your mind, and paralize your will."
>I (Peter) agree, except that IMHO it depends "what" label you give these
>And also we need to recognise the fact that we are "attributing" that
>label with our "virtual" minds. And that makes all the difference.
What difference, and for whom Peter? I had to read your/these lines about
a dozen times before I could make some sense out of it, and concluded that
we probably agree, but you and I use different language.
It remembered me of my first days in first class in school: pictures of a
monkey, a nut, a girl, etc on the wall. Right under every picture I saw
other small pictures -I didn't understand- called "words".
I was put in that class because a teacher was going to teach me to read
and understand those strange looking labels named "words". She also would
teach me how and when to use those "words"...
That was in Holland in 1961. I am quite sure that in the US of 1961
something similar happened: Kids in a classroom, pictures of a monkey, a
nut, a girl etc. on the wall. The only differences were the combination of
signs under the pictures: "monkey" instead of "aap", "nut" instead of
"noot" and "girl" instead of "meisje". etc.. The learningmotiv, - process
and - results we all went through was everywhere the same, attempting to
* what we observe (vissible) with what we perceive (invissible)
* what we do (vissible) with what we intent (invissible).
(Emotions - the cement between the bricks- have both something vissible and
In formula-form:
* observations + perceptions = Conclusion = emotion ("Truthness")
o + p = C --> eT
* deeds + intentions = Decision = emotion ("Goodness") d + i = D
--> eG
* Conclusions + Decisions = Solutions (Righteous) C + D = S --> eT
+ eG = SR(? --> ! )
Solutions are the metamorphosis of emotions from "dis-ease" into
Theory and practice are IMHO not more complicated than this and we don't
need more than basicly these three formulas:
o + p = C --> eT
d + i = D --> eG
C + D = S --> eT + eG = SR(? --> ! )
Anything additional makes life more complicated than necessary. Please!
No more new words, academic abstractions and invented models, just the
good old stuff: looking, thinking, feeling, wanting and doing.
Anno 1997 if you come into a first class on any school, you will find
uncountable educationsystems, tests, tools and other complicated stuff to
serve a goal. And there is always this question banging in my head: Whose
problem are they trying to solve with all this new stuff?
Is it different in our consultancy-business?
On my website you can access (and best download) a scientific article :
It contains detailed information on what we in Europe call Dynamic Judgment
Building, also known as the "Lemniscate"-model. The contents are
copyrighted, but feel free to read it.
if you have any problems accessing or downloading it, mail me at
Greetings from the autumnly, beautifull coloured Dutch Flatlands to all of
you, struggling with El Nino!
Winfried Deijmann ("The other Winfried")
--Winfried M. Deijmann - Deijmann & Partners - Zutphen - The Netherlands Artists, Consultants and Facilitators for Organizational Learning and Action Learning Events <Winfried@universal.nl> Phone: +31-(0)575-522076 Fax:+31 (0)575-527310
"An educated mind is useless without a focussed will and dangerous without a loving heart" (unknown source)
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>