I would like to thank Tony Barrett for his positive response to my new
book Ho w Organizations Learn: An Integrated Strategy for Building
Learning Capability. The book is the latest product from a research
program that began in 1992 with fieldwork at Electricite de France,
Fiat-Auto, Fidelity Investments, and Motorola and produced a set of new
concepts and tools including the Organizational Learning Inventory. [This
research program received administrative support from the OLC at MIT and
financial support from the Healthcare Forum and the International
Consortium for Executive Development Research.]
The book first presents a unique analysis of the three distinctive ways in
which LO/OL have been portrayed in the literature. Then the book
discusses our integrated framework of organizations as learning systems.
Subsequent chapters examine how to profile learning in organizations,
determine an organization's learning style(s) and learning portfolio, and
build learning capability. Individuals open to and interested in an
empirically-based approach as an option to the "five disciplines" will
find this book particularly appealing.
As a subscriber to learning-org network, I intended to submit a posting
but had been waiting for Jossey-Bass to issue a formal press release.
Absent that, further information about the book can be obtained via my
website at 'www.orgtransitions.com'. Inquiries/comments/reactions are
Tony DiBella
OrganizationTransitions, Inc.
34 Indian Ridge Rd.
Natick, MA 01760
--Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>