Enjoy the read...
Walter Derzko
Director Idea Lab
Academy of Management Journal, 39(5)
Table of Contents
The Academy of Management Journal
Volume 39, Number 5
Community, Population, and Organization Effects on Innovation: A
Multilevel Perspective
Robert Drazin and Claudia Bird Schoonhoven
The Market for Corporate Control and Firm Innovation
Michael A. Hitt, Robert E. Hoskisson, Richard A. Johnson, and Douglas
D. Moesel
Sustained Product Innovation in Large, Mature Organizations:
Overcoming Innovation-to-Organization Problems
Deborah Dougherty and Cynthia Hardy
Assessing the Work Environment for Creativity
Teresa M. Amabile, Regina Conti, Heather Coon, Jeffrey Lazenby, and
Michael Herron
Generational Technological Change: Effects of Innovation and Local
Rivalry on Performance
Michael W. Lawless and Philip C. Anderson
A Community-Level analysis of Sources and Rates of Technological
Variation in the Microprocessor Market
James Wade
Research Note:
Is Slack Good or Bad for Innovation?
Nitin Nohria and Ranjay Gulati
Special Forum: Organizational Ecology
Organizational Ecology: Past; Present, and Future Directions
Terry L. Amburgey and Hayagreeva Rao
Interacting Locally and Evolving Globally: A Computational Approach to
the Dynamics of Organizational Populations
Alessandro Lomi and Erik R. Larsen
Organizational Evolution, Learning, and Selection: A
Genetic-Algorithm-Based Model
Erhard Bruderer and Jitendra V. Singh
Environmental Conditions at Founding and Organizational Mortality: A
Trial-by-Fire Model
Anand Swaminathan
Toward an Institutional Ecology of Organizational Founding
Joel A. C. Baum and Christine Oliver
Life and Death Along Gasoline Alley: Darwinian and Lamarckian
Processes in a Differentiating Population
John M. Usher and Martin G. Evans
--"Walter Derzko" <wderzko@pathcom.com>
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