It seems to me that both of these problems can be partially remedied by
developing better website specifications and implementing a change request
process that will make the client and developer think more deeply about
the costs and consequences associated with various change requests. The
dilemma I am currently facing is the following: if the process and
specifications are spelled out in too much detail it may be disempowering
and creativity inhibiting for the developers (not to mention unrealistic),
if the process and specifications are spelled out in too little detail
then it may be difficult to do good project management. Any ideas on how
one might define the appropriate level of detail for a specification and a
process? Or, more generally, if one wants their organization to become
more process centered, what destinguishes between a process that is
Tayloristic versus one that empowers and effectively coordinates
I doubt that there is a universal answer but I would be interested in
hearing about the experiences of others on this issue.
Paul Meagher
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
--Paul Meagher <>
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