I read and hear a great deal surrounding the _knowledge worker_, yet I
have been unable to figure out what is meant by the use of this term.
Surpisingly, or maybe not, "In the future" is the phrase that prefaces
many of these comments.
For example, "In the future, the knowledge worker will have to ___________
in order to ____________." (fill in the blanks)
So, I have a few questions.
1. What does the term _knowledge worker_ mean?
2. Is _knowledge worker_ another of the buzzwords for a desired type of
3. Are there current examples of _knowledge workers_?
4. How do you train/prepare people for the role of a _knowledge worker_?
5. How does one go about applying for a job as a _knowledge worker_?
Great Optimism,
Dutch Driver
Abilene, TX
Hm. Telephone: 915.698.7217
--Dutch Driver <ddriver@cs1.mcm.edu>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>