Knowledge Worker LO16158

John Dicus (
Mon, 08 Dec 1997 11:59:48 -0500

Replying to LO16154 --

At 08:45 AM 12/8/97 -0500, Richard Karash wrote:

>I approach questions like this by asking what term would have been used
>in the past? And then, what term might be used in the future?
>I think these compound terms are being used to indicate what appears at
>the time to be important or of increasing importance.
>In the past we used to distinguish "skilled workers" from all the rest.
>That tells me that our emphasis has shifted from skills to knowledge. And
>that we perceive a shift away from physical work.
>If it's "knowledge workers" today, then in the future will it be "adept
>workers" or "workers who can learn"?

To continue...

What term(s) could we apply to such a worker that are (would be) time
transcendent? Term(s) that capture the essence, possibly independent of
context? Would doing so enable.... limit....?



John Dicus | Cornerstone Consulting Associates Providing Experiences In... Teamwork - Systems - Stewardship | 800-773-8017 (in US) | 330-725-2728 (voice/fax) 2761 Stiegler Rd, Valley City OH 44280 (Experiences in Stewardship - April 26-29 & Oct 25-28, 1998)

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