Informal Research Networks LO16164

Mike Jay (
Tue, 9 Dec 97 03:43:09 UT

Replying to LO16152 --

On Monday, December 08, 1997 3:57 AM, Srinath Srinivasa wrote:

> Recently I have been considering an idea called
> "Informal Research
> Networks (IRNs)", which are some sort of
> collapsible networks of people
> groups from heterogenous backgrounds. To begin
> with, each group consists
> of people from similar backgrounds. Each group
> starts by addressing a set
> of issues regarding a general strategy or
> mission -- which they think
> should be addressed -- from their perspective.


I would be anxious to hear of any references for this topic you have
referred to as Informal Resource Networks. I am preparing a project which
runs along these lines and would interested in any information anyone on
the group has regarding this sort of IRN in cyberspace.

I ran across this reference for virtual teams and collaboration with some
research from Dr. David Gould ( ) that was
recently completed. Thanks for your help.



"Mike Jay" <>

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