Personal Mastery LO16301

DavidK4162 (
Sat, 20 Dec 1997 23:52:24 EST

Replying to LO16285 --

Replying to LO16285 on personal mastery--

> I went
> through quite a period of time where I was deeply frustrated because I
> couldn't get the courage to say, "What I want is a new PDA."

This resonates with me. My response to "What do you want for Christmas"
included a short list of "simple" things: a fruit cake (guess I'm among
the minority who like them); a year's supply of scented soap bars (sounds
extravagant, but it's just an unusual quantity); and some socks. These
are not expensive or intricate things; just things that will make me happy
and remind me of the holiday season during the year (well--the fruit cake
won't last THAT long).

Having watched children and grandchildren open gleaming after twinkling
after shining after 'batteries not included' gifts, I still wonder at
having been personally satisfied when I was a child by receiving a full
bag of oranges and a 'Howdy Doody' string puppet. (I know I'm dating
myself here.) Those oranges didn't last long; but that puppet entertained
me, and others, for many months -- igniting imagination and generating
laughter and interpersonal relations at a level that I doubt many of
today's holiday gifts can match.

Oranges and a puppet. Food for the body; a tool for building the spirit.
I still haven't attained the level of personal mastery that finds me, more
frequently, explaining that THOSE are the gifts I'd like everyone to share
with me, and each other, more often.

Happy Holidays,
and to all a good night!

Dave Kennebeck


DavidK4162 <>

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