Dr. Steve Eskow <dreskow@magicnet.net> notes:
> There is an interesting--to me--phenomenon at work in the discussion of
> whether organizations are alive.
> A number of discussants insist that the question of no interest and
> importance--and then go on to discuss it at great length, exactly as if
> it were of interest and importance.
With some of our Idea Lab clients over the past summer, we have used the
metaphor: what if our "products" were alive ? -Challenging the assumption
that our product is "inanimate". That led to facinating discussions on
what products could look like in 10 years if they were intelligent. With
our clients,we have now started to identify and scan for the latest
research in the areas of "smart products" and "enbedded intelligence" A
one month review of the top 4 science journals led to over 45 cases,
examples or new concepts for smart products or services that could be
transferable from one industry application to another.
Walter Derzko
Director Idea Lab
Toronto, Ontario
(416) 588-1122
--"Walter Derzko @ Idea Lab" <wderzko@pathcom.com>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>