Ideal People Management Plan LO16786

Peter H. Jones (
Mon, 2 Feb 1998 19:49:08 +1300

Replying to LO16761 --

Replying to Phillip Capper - Ideal People Management Plan LO16761

Phillip said "I suggest that the organisational processes which promote
OSH are an essential component of those processes which promote effective
and efficient organisations as a whole."

Hi Phillip - Maybe you didn't appreciate what I meant. I believe OSH must
be integrated into ALL aspects of people's work and it is not a good thing
to isolate OSH as a separate "topic" in the people management plan - it is
everyone's responsibility and must be integrated into all aspects of the
plan. Having high OSH standards is consistent with high performance and
sound business - absolutely. If OSH is viewed as belonging to (and the
responsibility of) a specific department, or person then other people will
tend to pass the buck and not take personal responsibility for their own
(and other people's) safety and welfare. e.g. "The safety committee, or
safety officer should do something about that - it's dangerous." rather
than "That's dangerous - I'll do something about it right now!"

However perhaps you see things differently? Or is this yet another case
of less than perfect communication?

Peter H. Jones
Peopletronics Limited, PO Box 30 451, Lower Hutt, New Zealand.
Tel. 64 4 569 8875, Fax. 64 4 569 8881


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