Dear Philip
Thank you for your response. I did not intend to be patronising. On the
contrary, much of what I was trying to explain vis a vis Faulkner was
meant to be self-deprecating. In effect while I was trying to hoist
myself on my own petard, you seem to have felt some collateral damage.
I don't really have the time to respond properly to your various
statements. If you wish me to do so, I'll be happy to spend some time
later and send them to you off-line.
I do have the time to defend/clarify some of your other points which were
directly or indirectly ad hominem.
I did not say that Faulkner's speech "supports my BELIEF in human
progress." (Your Caps). If you're interested, you can re-read what I
actually did say.
I did not, or would not ever say or imply that Faulkner (or any other
human being) was "above analysis."
I did give you " the courtesy of reading your entire post carefully,"
including the bit that "implied that Greek civilisation was not
unproblematic." I was not trying to "correct" your text, just comment on
it. Sorry.
I did not say that "nomadic (sic) cultures 'come to peace" with their
environment." I said "they (sic) have come to A peace with AN environment
which is unstable." (My Caps). This is very different. (To paraphrase
Ruby and the Romantics (I think) "What a difference an "A" makes!").
The "Garden of Eden" view of prehistory is most assuredly not my view. If
it seemed so, I apologise for my poor articulation.
I do know that "a good dentist knows his or her professional limitations." do I know that he or she is "good" without relying on some
sort of explicit or implicit ranking (even if it's just "some word of
mouth"--pun not intended, but acknowledged--recommendation from a friend)?
Finally, a word or two of substance. I'm looking after my "preliterate"
daughter this morning (she's 5 = months). I could be deceiving myself,
but I think that she makes all sorts of progress, almost every day, and
that this is good. I hope she continues to do so, until the day she dies.
I hope she always has the ability and desire to learn. I hope she always
strives to be the best at what she wants to be, within the limits of her
capabilities. Am I missing something?
Richard Goodale
--Richard Goodale <>
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