At 11:50 AM 2/9/98 +0000, you wrote:
>Responses to Ben's questions. (written quickly) My comments should
>not be taken as either/or.
>> 1. Inequality in ability is a natural state of existence? True or false?
True we not created equal or the same.
>> 2. An employees value is, to a large extent, determined by their
>> performance? True or false?
False. It is determined by a combination of the market value of skills
possessed both acquired and natural plus perceived performance.
>> 3. Not all employee are equally valuable to their employer? True or false?
True and false. People are different and may have different economic value.
But all people are necessary to provide full value to the customer. Take
one away and the whole will not be the same. So all have equal value. It
is as necessary to sweep the floor as the invent product.
>> 4. Each person is ultimately responsible for their own competency and
>> their own learning? True or false?
True but the opportunity to learn from the environment is heavily
influenced by the organization. A person must be willing to learn but the
organization can provide or with hold results of the processes that would
help learning about the actions an individual takes. Organizations
sometimes withhold results on purpose and sometimes out of incompetence.
But timely feedback of results is an essential to learning.
Eugene Taurman
What you are is determined by the thoughts that dominate your mind.
Paraphrase of Proverbs 23 Ch7
--Eugene Taurman <>
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