On Sat, 21 Feb 1998 19:35:35 -0500 (EST), learning-org-digest wrote:
>> Doesn't our beloved God preclude the use of employee ranking systems by
>> saying "Thou shalt not judge"?
>No, I believe that particular quote is from a scholar employed by King
>James of England. What God actually said was probably something more
>like, "Hey guys, be practical about rushing to judgement and use the brain
>I gave you for more than a hat holder".
I thought She said "Om Mane Padme Om"
--Kelly Consulting Pty Ltd Development Strategies PO Box 5769 Tel 617 3844 8077 West End Q. 4101 Fax 617 3255 0360 AUSTRALIA email mailto:nkelly@uq.net.au
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