Employee Ranking Systems LO17134

Neil Kelly (nkelly@uq.net.au)
Mon, 23 Feb 98 08:46:06 -0300

Replying to LO17124 --

On Sat, 21 Feb 1998 19:35:35 -0500 (EST), learning-org-digest wrote:

>> Doesn't our beloved God preclude the use of employee ranking systems by
>> saying "Thou shalt not judge"?
>No, I believe that particular quote is from a scholar employed by King
>James of England. What God actually said was probably something more
>like, "Hey guys, be practical about rushing to judgement and use the brain
>I gave you for more than a hat holder".

I thought She said "Om Mane Padme Om"


Kelly Consulting Pty Ltd Development Strategies PO Box 5769 Tel 617 3844 8077 West End Q. 4101 Fax 617 3255 0360 AUSTRALIA email mailto:nkelly@uq.net.au

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