Employee Ranking Systems LO17143

Michael N. Erickson (sysengr@bcstec.ca.boeing.com)
Mon, 23 Feb 1998 08:09:21 -0800 (PST)

Replying to LO17124 --

Hello all

On Sat, 21 Feb 1998 LonBadgett@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 98-02-20 18:19:57 EST, you write:
> > Doesn't our beloved God preclude the use of employee ranking systems by
> > saying "Thou shalt not judge"?
> No, I believe that particular quote is from a scholar employed by King
> James of England. What God actually said was probably something more
> like, "Hey guys, be practical about rushing to judgement and use the brain
> I gave you for more than a hat holder".

I think the actual biblical statement was "judge not that you be not
judged".. slightly more explicit meaning than stated above, but pretty
close intent-wize. We don't seem to remember that what we hand out-we get
returned to us. Judgment of others returns to us by ourselves being
judged. You'd think we'd get tired of all the negative stuff we get, but
instead of handling the cause (our own stuff we put out) we expect others
to absorb it all.

If ya don't like it-quit doin it. seems pretty simple.


Michael Erickson
Organizational Cartoonist

-"we toons may act rediculous, but we're not stupid!"-
----------------------------------- Roger Rabbit------


"Michael N. Erickson" <sysengr@bcstec.ca.boeing.com>

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