Employee Ranking Systems LO17200

Richard C. Holloway (thejournal@thresholds.com)
Thu, 26 Feb 1998 22:23:30 -0800

Replying to LO17174 --

Roxanne, you make an interesting point here--at least for me. This thread
has been going on for some time, now. It seems that people are generally
polarized on either one side or the other. As you say, Rol doesn't appear
to have budged much--nor, on the other hand have you. There has been
significant effort to persuade or convince one another (by several of
us)--without much apparent success.

Yet, this is a dialog list--and, it may be successfully pointed out that
both of you are advocating opinions (yes, I know--opinions based on
research, facts, etc--both of you may say that). So--in the interest of
suspending judgment on either position, has this thread of dialog
presented us with the opportunity to learn?

Roxanne Abbas wrote:

> > Rol says:
> >
> > "Sure, but are people upset with the system, or with the way it is being
> > applied by the manager? This has been my point right from the
> > beginning. The tool is fine, but is being misused."
> Rol, this may be the most important issue where your perspective differs
> from that of many others who are trying to convey that the tools called
> performance ranking and performance rating are destructive tools that
> should be discarded. It is not simply a matter of training managers to
> use the tool more effectively. I believe that you are so convinced that
> you are "right" on this issue, that you have been unable to learn from the
> papers written by Robert Bacal and Fred Nichols and the many eloquent
> posts on the subject.

"It is a singular characteristic of love that we cannot hide it where it
exists, or pretend it where it does not exist."   -Marquise de Sabli

Thresholds--developing critical skills for living organizations Richard C. "Doc" Holloway Please visit our new website, still at <http://www.thresholds.com/> <mailto:learnshops@thresholds.com>

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