"Futures @ Work " Conf LO17647 -Israel May 12

Andre (andre@actcom.co.il)
Fri, 03 Apr 1998 22:26:37 +0300

This last Minute Announcement might interest you.

" Making Business in a Transforming World - Futures @ Work "

Social dreaming: forecasting reality in the business world. An
Experiential Conference for Managers and Consultants in Business -
sponsored by Go-On Ltd, People in organizations - Development, Training,
Consulting and Placement and I.C.S., Innovation and Change in Israeli

Conference director: W. GORDON LAWRENCE, MA, Dr rer oec,
Professor of Organisational Behaviour,
School of Management, Cranfield University, Bedford, UK.

Tuesday, May 12 - Friday, May 15, 1998
in Zikhron Yaakaov, HaKarmel, Israel.

Social Dreaming was discovered in the late 1970s. There were three
sources: first, that dreams occur in groups of people and can illustrate
the life of the group; second, that dreams have always been part of the
culture of so called " primitive people" like Aborigenes, Red Indians and
the like. They used their dreams to illumine their daily life and, in
turn, take the puzzles of day into sleep to be able to find solutions to
daily problems. Third, the work of Charlotte Beradt who wrote "The Third
Reich Of Dreams", where she described how ordinary Germans could dream
what they were not allowed to talk about during the day. Putting this
evidence together it seemed possible to convene a set of people who would
dream 'socially', i.e. find social meanings to their dreams.

Since the first Social Dreaming Matrix was convened in 1982 there have
been many more convened around the world. One way in which it is used is
with people in business. We have found that participants in a Social
Dreaming Matrix dream about their enterprise and their role in it.

The Future is as much a dream as anything else.

The Conference is built around four events / structures: Plenary - the
main task will be to examine the Conference learning as a whole, and to
search for application in the business environment. Social Dreaming
Matrix - a sharing of dreams by the participants, while looking for links
and associations between dreams and between reality. Dialogue -
lecturettes delivered by staff , enabling openness to new ideas.
Discussion Groups - where participants can explore their experiences in
their roles, and link them to unconscious processes occurring also at work
situations. --

800 U.S. $, including Full board, in single room.

For more details, please contact:
Phone: Sarah Goldman, Go-On Ltd, 972- 3- 561 06 45
Phone: Verred Amitzi, I.C.S. 972-52-437 636
Fax: 972-3-561 59 80

Conseiller de Synthese / Management Consultant
P.O.Box 822 RA'ANANA 43 107 ISRAEL
Tel:(972)09-743 50 97; 052- 89 37 31
Fax:(972)09-748 75 85

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Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>