Leadership definitions LO17731

Mauricio Alejandro Parra (parra@iname.com)
Fri, 10 Apr 1998 15:51:24 -0400 (AST)

Hi dear Orglearners,

I4ve been reading the postings on leadership and I'd like to share with
you a definition I found to be quite usefull:

"Leadership is an influence relationship among leaders and followers who
intend real changes that reflect mutual purposes"


1. The relationship is based on influence
a. The influence relationship is multidirectional
b. The influence behaviors are noncercive

2. Leaders and followers are the people in this relationship
a. The followers are active
b. There must be more than one follower, and there is typically more
than one leader
c. The relationship is inherently unequal because the influence patterns
are unequal

3. Leaders and followers intend real changes
a. intend means that the leaders and followers purposefully desire
certain changes
b. real means that the changes the leaders and followes intend must be
substantive and transforming
c. leaders and followers intend several changes at once.

4. Leaders and followers develop mutual purposes
a. the mutuality of these purposes is forged in the noncoercive
influence relationship
b. leaders and followers develop purposes, not goals
c. the intended changes reflect, not realize, their purposes
d. the mutual purposes become common purposes

This is Joseph C. Rost4s definition, from his book: _Leadership for the
twenty first century_, 1991 (paperback 1993) ISBN: 0-275-94610-X

What do you think?

M. Alejandro

Reality is just a matter of perception
Mauricio Alejandro Parra E.
Cochabamba, BOLIVIA


Mauricio Alejandro Parra <parra@iname.com>

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