socialization skills LO17929

LonBadgett (
Wed, 29 Apr 1998 10:19:25 EDT

Replying to LO17901 --

In a message dated 98-04-28 23:10:41 EDT, you write:

> A manager has asked me if there exists a class or program for an employee
> who has worked night shifts and now works days and doesn't know how to
> "fit in." Not used to all the interaction, activity, and dress
> differences. I recommended individual coaching, but manager wants a
> "class." Any ideas?

Does your manager plan to make wholesale changes in the schedule or create
large numbers of night-to-day workers? If not, then I suspect the manager
wants conformity from someone in particular. Offer a "menu" of items from
an existing "Dealing With Difficult People" curriculum and let the manager
select what he or she wants.

Alternatively, it might be a useful exercise in system analysis to have
both day and night shifts create a document outlining what they each think
are the unique behaviors and activities of each shift, then share thoughts
about why those differences exist. Typically you will find a variety of
"form vs. function" issues. Specific functions should be common areas of
concern while varient forms are good items to include in your class.


Lon Badgett

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