Empowerment LO18304

John P. Dentico (jdentico@adnc.com)
Mon, 08 Jun 1998 08:56:36 -0700

Great Question Frank,

Let me give you two powerful references to start off

"Empowerment: The Emperor's New Clothes" by Chris Argyris, Harvard
Business Review May June 1998, most recent.

Nancy Dixon in her book "The Organizational Learning Cycle" McGraw-Hill
1994 summarizes the federalist principles as laid out by Charles Handy in
his article "Balancing Corporate Power: A New Federalist Paper" by Charles
Handy, Harvard Business Review November-December 1992.

Dixon captures the essence of Handy's article in these words as she
describes the difference between empowerment and subsidiarity, a concept
which Handy calls attention to in his article. Dixon's book page 131.

Subsidiarity, means that power is located at the corporation's lowest
point. It assumes that power naturally resides at this level and that it
can only be relinquished to a central body through a contractual
agreement. The centre governs only with the consent of the governed.
Moreover, that consent is established within the framework of a
constitution which sets the boundaries of power and responsibility.

Subsidiarity is the opposite of empowerment. Empowerment assumes that, by
right, power resides in the corporate office and can therefore be bestowed
upon organizational members. One of the reasons empowerment has been so
difficult to implement is that it is inherently contradictory. If Power
is bestowed, it can also be withdrawn and is therefore no power at all; it
is at best benevolence, at worst MANIPULATION. A unit or individual has
power only if it is their right to keep the power or to give it away."

Awesome don't you think, by the way Argyris agrees with the spirit and
intent of these words in his latest article.

Just a last thought, in the postindustrial world we live in, we are paying
less and less attention to those who hold positional power, and more to
those who would bespeak a sort of referent power, for those of you who
have read anything on the subject of power.

In any case, to me, empowerment is an incongruent practice, if we truly
expect people to take ownership of their part of the organization.
Remember the first time one takes the power away, so goes the trust.

Thanks for reading this


John P. Dentico
P.O. Box 6305
San Diego, CA 92166-0305
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"John P. Dentico" <jdentico@adnc.com>

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