Essentialities and experience LO18684

Winfried Dressler (
Mon, 20 Jul 1998 10:18:27 +0100

Replying to LO18675 --

Don Dwiggins askes:

>> Wholeness requires to strengthen the value chain, i.e. to leave habit of
>> functional thinking and to view internal supplier-customer relationships,
>> thus to associate the company into one whole.
>Maybe I'm trying to apply At's lesson on wholeness too literally, but what
>would be the X*Y*Z pattern here?

X*Y*Z are any three elements of the value chain.

For example: parts from supplier * production * delivery to customer
or: production step 1 * production step 2 * production step 3.

To achieve wholeness, any three elements of this value chain must be
associated in such a way.

The opposite of association (as I understand it) would be fragmentation,
where all the process steps are fragmented. This is what I meant with
"functional thinking". This may be depicted as "x / y / z" and means
"impaired wholeness"

It makes a big difference, whether e.g. a sales person defines himself
restricted to the sales function, acquiring orders and throwing them into
the rest of the organisation (fragmented from his sales function) or
whether he is associated with the rest of the organisation, acting as an
"umlomo" or "y" between the company and its customers.

I hope this helps.

Liebe Gruesse,


"Winfried Dressler" <>

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