Winfried writes:
> X*Y*Z are any three elements of the value chain.
> For example: parts from supplier * production * delivery to customer
> or: production step 1 * production step 2 * production step 3.
> To achieve wholeness, any three elements of this value chain must be
> associated in such a way.
Yes, this looks like it should help, but does it achieve wholeness? I'm
no expert on system dynamics, but I can imagine that (in a long enough
chain) it could lead to local optimizations that might be suboptimal from
the viewpoint of the global value chain (or even make things worse at the
global level!).
Maybe something like the following is needed:
X: the participants
Z: the value chain
Y: a system dynamics model
--Don Dwiggins "The truth will make you free, SEI Information Technology but first it will make you miserable" -- Tom DeMarco
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