Fear LO18768 was Levels of Intimacy in Communication

Thu, 30 Jul 1998 20:32:49 -0700

Replying to LO18691 --

Jim Ulrich writes:
... a good, deep discussion, including:
> So what I can do to create the conditions in which intimacy can occur
> include knowing myself and understanding my feelings and needs, having the
> courage to reveal more of myself to others, as well as accepting others so
> they feel safe in revealing themselves to me. Invariably one of the
> feelings that keeps me from opening myself up is fear -- fear of what
> others will think, fear of rejection, fear of not being appreciated and
> valued and loved in return.

This resonates with me. I believe that at the root of most of the
obstacles to a learning organization is fear, individual and
institutional. It might be a real eye-opener for an organization to
undertake a "visioning" exercise to answer the question: "What are we
afraid of?"


Don Dwiggins "The truth will make you free, SEI Information Technology but first it will make you miserable" d.l.dwiggins@computer.org -- Tom DeMarco

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