Dr. Steve Eskow wrote, in a small part:
> If it was literally true that you can't manage knowledge workers the
> prospects for our civilization would be grim indeed; knowledge
> organizations that are unmangeable, a knowledge society that is
> ungovernable.
> fortunately it is not true
I must agree with Steve- I can just see the knolwedge worers at Microsoft
putting up a sign outside of their cubicles- just electronically transfer
my paycheck to my account and go away
Interestingly enough there was a program on public radio which pointed out
the fact that the US is now transfering its knnowledge work to countries
like India and that there are a large number of Chinese who will be on
line and up to speed very fast. The US is now importing knowledge being
developed at lower cost with persons trained in the leading institutions
but living abroad. it's not just blue collar and low level white collar
I am not so sure that the US knowledge worker has a sinecure any more than
the The Academy in the US is immune to global competition. And that the
knowledge worker may be the next group to become unionized, perchance?
tom abeles
--tom abeles <tabeles@tmn.com>
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