Winfried focuses on my rather glib statement about the importance of
"being clear about priorities."
What I was trying to communicate was that it is important to be clear to
others about what your priorities are because that helps explain actions,
and thus allows one to have integrity. Of course, one can spend a
lifetime determining priorities, but most _situations_ that most of us
face day in and day out are actually pretty clear. I referred to -- in my
case -- the importance of performance or achieving goals as a high
priority. I need to my expectation to others. So, to answer Winfried, by
"being clear about priorities" I mean communicating what I have already
determined, not actually determining the priorities.
Books have been written on how to establish priorities. I cannot possibly
capture all that has been written, nor can I summarize it. In my
experience priorities absolutely do change over time, as do principles.
Both change as part of my personal learning process.
When you ask, "Isn't it part of "caring" to acknowledge that people are
usually all but clear about their priorities?" I don't understand what
you mean.
Thank you for your questions.
--Rol Fessenden
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