Thanks, Paul, for raising this question. I think we all tend to get a bit
"clubby" about things. As Deming would say, "It really is so simple." My
work focuses on establishing linkages..across traditional boundaries. I
always find that there is much more that binds us than separates us and
that it is also so much easier to work within the commonalities.
Paul Foley wrote:
> The more I spend time discussion the attributes of a learning
> organisation with people in the "Quality" arena, the more I find myself
> comparing LO with things like Malcolm Baldridge and the European
> Foundation for Quality Management models.
> It strikes me that the aims of both approaches are very similar viz.
> Continuous Improvement (usually said in much sexier and longer phrases).
> Since the Quality models are not prescriptive in how they should be
> applied, does this mean that the tools and techniques of LO are simply
> means of delivering part of what these Business Excellence models already
> promote?
> I also find it curious that the literature on each approach seems to give
> little recognition to the other despite their close links.
-- Carol Sager, Sager Educational Enterprises Critical Linkages II Newsletter 21 Wallis Road,Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 V.(617)469-9644; Fax(same)-9639Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>