Levels of Intimacy in Communication LO18823

Roxanne Abbas (rabbas@comp-web.com)
Mon, 10 Aug 1998 07:15:36 -0500

Replying to LO18791 --

Kevin Shadix said:

"I like to believe that the journey is the means AND the end. I think it's
important to keep that in mind and not worry about where we're going. Just
practice. And as far as suggestions on working on this go, I think the
answer is even simpler: observe yourself and SHARE SHARE SHARE yourself.
Observe the ways you use intellectualizing, humor, withdrawal, or
whatever, to avoid intimacy. NO JUDGING YOURSELF, either!!"

Thanks, Kevin, for reminding me of these important points. I'm a
recovering goal-aholic. Some people and organizations may benefit from an
increased focus on end results, but my need is to live more in the present
moment, to observe and enjoy the journey. And thanks also for sharing
your wonderful story about how your mother helped you to admit to the pain
you felt over the lost love. Could I have her phone number? As I typed
that question, I observed myself using humor to avoid what I really felt:
I wish my mother were able to help me to become more authentic. I felt
envy. WOW! This is a fascinating process!

Your ever more honest and open friend,



Roxanne Abbas mailto:rabbas@comp-web.com http://www.comp-web.com

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