Focal Reviews LO18833

Roxanne Abbas (
Tue, 11 Aug 1998 06:54:35 -0500

Replying to LO18805 --

I have worked with many organizations in moving to and from focal point
review dates. Your message doesn't explain why Genentech has decided to
make the change. Have your customers asked you to make this
administrative change in order to provide better products or services?
I'm being facetious, of course. Some organizations use a focal point so
that they can control budgets more tightly or in order to prevent rating
inflation. Sometimes it is done in organizations that use Management by
Objectives and link each persons objectives, and performance rating to
business unit results.

I would suggest that you listen to your managers and use a flexible timing
approach that best meets the needs of each department. If Department X is
always slow in the spring, and would like to do all reviews in April and
May, support them because it makes good business sense. If Department Y
has a steady work load all year and wants to spread reviews evenly
throughout the year, accommodate their need. Take the time to get a good
consensus on what the organization sees as the business reason for
changing the timing of reviews before you charge ahead.

Good luck,



Roxanne Abbas

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