Sustaining Interest in Learning LO18875

Tom J. Clifford (
Mon, 17 Aug 1998 12:45:49 -0400

Replying to LO18852 --

In response to Andrew Wong's question on sustaining interest in Learning

My view of the question of sustaining interest in LO is, if LO is
institutionalized, a question that should never come up.

A leader (or leaders) that craft the 'new' organization should build the
new 'reality' into the vision, the policies, the procedures, the personnel
orientation, into all facets of the organization structure. This changed
view and orientation of reality will serve as the rudder of the ship,
guiding people in what they do.

If LO is seen as a separate program or new policy to be followed, rather
than serving as the reality of the organization, it will be necessary to
keep interest in the program high; if on the other hand, it is built into
the entire system from the start, the new organizational reality will
become the norm; there will be no separate 'program' to keep interest

Tom Clifford
Network Admin/Support
Michigan Corrections


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