360 Assessment LO19016

Cowan, Keith (kcowan@ORION.GLOBALDEN.com)
Fri, 28 Aug 1998 15:35:05 -0700

Replying to LO18806 -- Was: "Best of... -Conf and Expo"

I am not sure if this technique has been debated here on LO? While any
analytic tool helps an organization to learn, the success of this one
leads to its failure.

After years running market research, I learned the importance of
respondent fatigue to quality survey results. 360's are like an MLM. they
are useful at one level. but when propagated, the effectiveness declines

Unfortunately their proponents who generally have no market research
experience are in heavy denial at this prospect.

Keith Cowan
kcowan@orion.GlobalDEN.com (CIS:72212,51)


"Cowan, Keith" <kcowan@ORION.GLOBALDEN.com>

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