>NLP has something to say about programming and reprogramming
>responses, as a means of dealing with the natural fight-or-flight
>patterned response. I hope Shelia and others will link in some of these
Andrew Wong Hee asked me by e-mail to give an explanation of what NLP is;
as I said last week I'm new to the forum, so don't know how much
discussion on NLP has gone before. If the followinghas already been
covered, I apologise in advance!
NLP - what is it? Best place to start is with the name itself.
Neuro How we process information using our five senses of sight,
sound, touch, smell and taste to create our
personal (and unique) map of the universe
Linguistic The words we use, inside & outside our head that give clues
to how we do the processing (our mental models)
Programming How we program ourselves to behave, consciously or
These things are usually done on autopilot. By becoming consciously aware
of HOW we do thing, we can reinforce the useful behaviours, and delete the
limiting behaviours. "Behaviours" come at the end of a process which
starts with values and beliefs, which shape our attitudes or filters,
which in turn affect our behaviour.
The other nice way I saw it summarised was the combination of having:-
Clear Outcomes Know clearly what you want to achieve and how you
know you've got there
Sensory Acuity Be aware enough to sense if you are getting there
or not
Flexibility Have a range of behaviours and strategies that you
& Choices shift to if the one you first picked doesn't work
[Host's Note: I know the table above looked better when Shelia created
it... Lines get wrapped with email enroute. ...Rick]
The danger is "If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll get what
you've always got!"
If shouting at the kids to keep the room tidy doesn't work, shouting even
louder won't help!
This is obviously useful in business as well. If you are working with a
client, or your own team, you may realise that a session is not going as
you planned. This could be a strategy workshop, a meeting to discuss a
marketing plan, a training session on self-managing teams - whatever!
This can happen no matter how carefully you research and plan a project.
They may just be having a bad day/week/month!
If you carry on with the original plan you are obviously going to have a
disaster on your hands, and an unhappy customer. However, you cannot know
it IS going wrong if you did not have a picture in your mind of what "going
right" would look, sound and feel like - ie a well formed outcome. If you
are not looking and listening and judging the gut-feel in a detailed way
(ie - sensory acuity), you can miss the signals and just plough on. If you
have no alternatives or contingency plans, you will have ended up in a
cul-de-sac with no way out - not a good survival strategy.
The other useful thing you can do with this technique is model excellence.
If you know someone who does something really well, you can break down the
processing programming they use internally, and then teach it to others.
This was meant to be a short note - seems to be trying to turn into a Nobel
prize winning essay!
Sheila Browning
Dalgety Bay
--Sheila Browning <icaem_insight@compuserve.com>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>