A Quality Scenario LO19384 -Your Perspectives?

Bruce Jones (brucej@nwths.com)
Fri, 2 Oct 1998 12:48:53 -0500

Replying to LO19380 --

> What is your focus, your theme, hence the [Goal] of your proposed
> object?

The focus here HAS to be Education. Not only of the company but the
executive. The theme of this project would be, for me, "Improvement
through Education". The goal would be effective TQI not TQM.

> What [Changes] have taken place, if any?

There seems to have been a philosophy change in the company. They start a
project to improve then abandon it. The company is not committed to
change. Nor do they follow up on their decisions. When the executive was
moved to the department it appears that he was pretty much left on his own
with no agenda.

> What are the underlying [Causes]? to a large extend representing
> your own mental model.

The fact that he is being moved around so much should be a sign of two
things, 1) The company has no real leadership, 2) The Quality department
has no power.

> What are your insights, perspective, solution, [Fixes]?

1) Determine the level of knowledge the executive has of TQI.
2) Determine the level of commitment from the company.
3) Remove the executive from the position if he shows no willingness to DO
the job.
4) Start an education drive at the management level about TQI.
5) Survey the employees of the company about what they want.
6) Present the findings to management with solutions and agenda about
fixing the problems.

These are my answers.

Bruce Jones
Organizational Development Specialist
Northwest Texas Healthcare System
Amarillo, Texas


"Bruce Jones" <brucej@nwths.com>

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