Diego is a little concerned about writing to such distinguished
participants as he finds on Learning-org. I'm not so presumptuous to
think that I'm one of them, but I know I write to them through this
I think I speak for most of us (now I'm presumptuous!) when I say that
you're welcome, that you write well enough to be clearly understood in
English, and that you undoubtedly speak English much better than I speak
Spanish! It's your thoughts we're interested in, not your English.
So come all lurkers and deemsters...you'll be welcome I've no doubt!
-- Douglas M. Max Managing Director LR Communication Systems, Inc. http://www.LRcom.com 139 Dogwood Lane Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922-0264 USATraining in business writing and presentation skills. Seminars, distance learning/correspondence programs with personal feedback. Online options. Editing services. Founded in 1969.
E-mail for business: mail@LRcom.com personal: dmax@bellatlantic.net
voice @ Work (908) 464-1231 fax (908) 464-1350
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>