Question asking in the workplace LO21786

Jim Battell (
Sat, 29 May 1999 20:05:09 -0400

Replying to LO21764 --

Dear Doug,

In my experience, the first two are related by saying, "If it is 'what's
so,' it is also 'so what'." It is a way of knowing the truth. That my
hand has 5 digits, if true, is "so what." It is unremarkable, common,
everyday knowledge. The fun begins when the thing that is what's so, and
therefore so what, is not as visible as my hand. I suppose if you want to
show that it is there, you must keep on saying it is there, and illuminate
it from as many angles as you can think of, and then some. Then, what's
next? It is like reaching the top of Mt. Washington, NH. After you take
in the view for a while it is "so what." Time to move on. There are
other mountains. Then, what's next?


Doug Merchant wrote:

> My Bell System experience taught three questions:
> 1) What's so?
> 2) So what?
> 3) What's next?


Jim Battell <>

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