Dear Ian,
I have heard your definition of leadership a number of times over the
years - ie a leader being someone who can pursuade others to follow them -
and have never been happy with it as I think it lacks key factors such as
context and values.
I'm not convinced that it is a positive thing to "identify with the
leadership behaviour in a positive light and utterly decry the values etc
behind the behaviour", as you state. Personally, beyond a normative level
of human foibles, I can not do it, for one thing!
Its like saying this new car is a great car in and of itself; it looks
great, it feels great to drive, and the motor just purrs over. It just
happens to head off in any direction it likes and crash without warning in
the process ruining the lives of those that get in its way...
I hesitate to quote Jack Welch, but he (and others) have pointed out that
to be a great leader in his organisation you need the skills, ideas, edge,
drive, results etc AND the values.
Skills and values are the two sides of the leadership coin and to my mind
one does not exist without the other.
Philip Pogson
Leadership Development Strategy Consultant
Staff Development Branch
University of Technology Sydney NSW 2007
ph: +61 2 9514 2934
fax: +61 2 9514 2930
mobile: +61 0412 459156
"I always know a good idea when I hear it, because of the feeling of
terror that seizes me."
Ben Rick
CEO Lockhead
--Philip Pogson <ppogson@uts.EDU.AU>
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