What is leadership? LO22210

Swan, Steve R. SETA CONTR (SwanSR@ftknox5-emh3.army.mil)
Mon, 12 Jul 1999 11:16:10 -0400

Replying to LO22204 --

Curious, why and how are opportunity and capacity equal?

No, the bality to lead is not inherent in everyone. Each of us may have
ability, not poortunity. We mave have opportunity but no ability. If the
ability were inherent in all, then everyone would do it at every
opportunity. To assume inherent ability then no training, coaching or
mentoring wouold be needed: we strive to define to understand; if a level
of interest in a topic or human characteristic above your own interest
level can be so easily defined as obsession, then you may have hit upon
your own answer to the third question.

The interest and desire to lead is the precursor. Add abiliity and

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