
bstuart (bstuart@uswest.net)
Sat, 17 Jul 1999 15:51:46 -0600

Replying to LO22250 --

Hi there!

"Participation" on this list is not only based on the length, size and
number of contributions. In the past, Richard has suggested that there are
many *readers* participating as well. I direct my classes and my clients
here; I have actively corresponded with some of my respected colleagues on
the list - for years now. I read, archive, delete, respond very, very
selectively and never buy from the self-promoters.

I was sorry that one of the list members signed off; glad she did it
publicly, and believed this was an "n" of one. But here we are, busy
introspecting. B-O-R-I-N-G. I hate to respond because then there will be
a flurry of responders to the responders of the responders to the "n" of

Please don't believe that readers who don't respond TO the list, are
intimidated by the list. I think this suggestion diminishes busy readers
and learners.

I feel sorry that to be open to all opinions means that we have to
continue a thread that for me, seems to be a sort of crude, navel-gazing.
So much real work to do.

Barb Stuart

[Host's Note: Thanks, Barb, for the comment. I have several indications
that discussion ABOUT the list is boring for many readers. Please just
skip this whole thread at your discretion. I'll let it continue only as
long as it has energy, and I do expect limited duration.

More, important, thanks for speaking up for the (usually silent)
readers... You really do make a difference here, whether you write or not.


bstuart <bstuart@uswest.net>

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