Content and Practices for this list LO22295
Tue, 20 Jul 1999 16:18:55 EDT

Replying to LO22250 --

In a message dated 7/17/99 9:20:54 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> I believe that, in general, talk on the list
> ABOUT the list is boring to most readers.

I remember vividly a lunchtime conversation with the friend who introduced
me to this list. We had been discussing the "peculiarities" of some of
the submissions (and some of the writers as well) when a strange look
crossed her face and she laughed out loud. "What is it", I asked,
thinking I had said something strange. "Oh, nothing really", she said, "I
just think it's funny that here we are gossiping about people who we have
only met online".

I'm not always sure where we are going in this group, but I do think that
this is an evolutionary process and our contributions shape each other in
unpredictable but perhaps necessary ways.

Lon Badgett
"I heard the grating shrieks and clanks of a locomotive while the engineer 
heard the smooth symphony of a thousand moving parts."  Emil Gobersneke 

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