What is leadership? LO22328

Winfried Dressler (winfried.dressler@voith.de)
Sat, 24 Jul 1999 13:06:34 +0100

Replying to LO22325 --

Dear At,

>>Therefore, although I have to admit that others may choose
>>differently, I don't want to accept a term "leadership", which
>>doesn't explicitly include the meaning "constructive creativity".
>I love your sensitivity to the essentiality sureness.

Thank you very much. And thank you also for

>Yes, Winfried, constructive creativity tells us
>how to distinguish leadership in leaderwork. Because of your own
>advancement in the theory of "deep creativity", you were immediately
>able to make this most important connection.

Unfortunately, advancement in the theory is only form/mechanics or
intellectual knowing, not content/dynamics or action. So I am very glad
that you included "one last comment ... on the dynamics of creativity":

>* Can any person make a certain choice among many possibilities
> if that person does not have the free energy to perceive that
> choice through to its most distant ramifications?
>Remember that this free energy is needed to produce entropy and
>thus change through chaos and order the mental organisation of
>such a person -- something which we call learning.

"Perceive a choice through to its most distant ramifications" - this is
mature sureness AND wholeness (and the other essentialities). But it is
also what scares me. I feel so small in face of such a requirement - who
am I to know those most distant ramifications? So better do not choose as
long as not forced to, and when forced to, just close eyes and choose
arbitrarily. That's how a lack of free energy feels like.

And just a cup full of free energy to survive for the next days is not

>The higher the fraction
>of leadership in leaderwork, the higher the need for free energy to remain
>spontaneous in constructive creativity.

So what we need is a constant and reliable access to sources of free
energy. Like a seed which needs to fall on fertile ground, sufficient
watering and sunshine.

I have read so much and thought so much about the question on how to
connect to the sources: From authors inspired by esoteric, spiritual laws
like Tarot and the Course of Miracle, from NLP and "success" authors like
Anthony Robbins, from concepts from Ken Wilber or At de Lange. They all
say the same: Reading alone doesn't help. Yet...

My concern "Yet..." used to be: The sources are on the other side,
somewhere I need to go to, requiring a bifurcation in my development. But
in order to reach such a bifurcation and to survive constructively, I need
those sources now. Otherwise the journey (entropy production) is too
dangerous and I am right not to go for it.

Since the discussion on the digestor, it is clear to me, that this concern
was a misunderstanding. The required sources of free energy become
available after sufficient digestive learning, which is putting all the
pieces together in a new, higher quality of order (as set by the LAST
emergent step) with the growing of the seven essentialties as measures for
the progress.

Frankly, it's easier to think about it than to jump into that water.
Confidence only grows with experience and there is still a lot of fear
holding me back.

Liebe Gruesse,



"Winfried Dressler" <winfried.dressler@voith.de>

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